What are the requirements for Life Insurance in North York, and how much does it cost?

Regardless of where you live in Canada, your age and health status are two of the most important factors in determining the cost of life insurance.

The application process for Life Insurance in North York, is also similar to that of the rest of Canada, just localized to your area. However, the city you live in, on the other hand, has an indirect impact on the amount of life insurance you need.


Residents of North York, for example, would have a greater cost of living than residents of Barrie because North York is one of the most expensive areas in Canada.

Because of their growing debt, the area of North York would almost certainly need more life insurance to provide the appropriate coverage.


Furthermore, families with dependents in North York will most certainly require more Life Insurance in North York than those who do not.

When determining how much Life Insurance coverage you need in North York, you should take into account your mortgage, external debt, income replacement, and final expenses.

So, if you buy a house in North York with a large mortgage, you’ll need a lot of Life Insurance to cover the loan if something goes wrong.


Permanent life insurance is recommended by Mike and Amanda of Platinum Mutual Ltd. for the following reasons:

1] Permanent Life Insurance will never expire and will cover you for the remainder of your life.
2] Permanent Life Insurance cannot be cancelled.
3] Return of Premium option.
4] Your premiums will remain the same for the remainder of your life.


All the flexibility you need

Platinum Mutual Ltd has over 20 years of experience and will match you with the best plan. Our agents will help you find out how much life insurance you need and make sure you’re not spending too much on it. If your lifestyle changes, give us a call. We can let you know if you need more or less, and if changing your plan is a good idea or could save you money.

An agent will look into your specific needs and see if options like a joint policy is right for you. A policy that doesn’t pay out until two or more people pass can be beneficial in some situations and save you money in the long run.

A universal life insurance policy can also give you access to cash. If you are worried that life insurance has no value while you’re alive, ask an agent. Once your plan has accumulated sufficient value, you can use that plan as an asset and withdraw cash from it, or borrow against it using your plan’s value as collateral.

Protecting Your Family, Investing for Your Future

You need insurance – and you want long-term investment growth.

Platinum Mutual Ltd will help you strategize when looking for insurance, using our experience we will match you with a policy that fits your budget, lifestyle, and long term goals. If you have any changes give us a call and we can help you adjust your plan to work for you.

Platinum Mutual Ltd makes it simple

Instead of searching the bottomless internet and ads for the perfect policy, give us a call and get the right insurance for you today. Platinum Mutual Ltd has over 20 years of experience and knows who to reach for your specific situation.

How Platinum Mutual Ltd works

A Platinum Mutual Ltd agent will get to know you and your insurance needs, there are endless plans available, but only so many are right for you, and our agents know which of those are high quality.

An agent will go through those plans with you and find out which one fits you best, in order to make sure you are receiving the best fit of the highest quality. You can pick something now, and if you don’t like it in a few months, give us a call and we can help you change it!

Life Insurance NORTH YORK for Your Entire Life

Permanent life insurance NORTH YORK is meant to be kept for life and designed to be a rugged and secure policy that will pass on the entire amount of their insurance when they die.
Your premiums stay the same with permanent life insurance NORTH YORK . Give Mike a call and see what options he has for you!

If you already have a plan, an agent can assess that and see if we can get you a better price or policy. Platinum Mutual Ltd works with all of the insurance companies to find you the best rates.

Protection for the Term You Select
Term Life insurance is a policy that lasts for a set amount of time. If you die within that time period, your beneficiaries receive the amount of your policy.

Term life insurance is much more affordable and easy to purchase. Simply give us a call and see what options are available and which one works best for you.

Your lifestyle can save you money
There are many factors that can save you money with term life insurance. These include age, health, lifestyle, and the amount of insurance you need.

Choose the best term for you
It’s important to look at the future when picking term life insurance. Picking a policy that will protect you through life’s important events is critical.

Platinum Mutual Ltd can help you pick plans that convert to permanent plans as well.

Give us a call and see what we can do for you!

Some examples of Life Insurance Solutions

Platinum Mutual Ltd can help match you with a range of term insurance choices.

  • Term 10 life insurance
  • Term 20 life insurance
  • Term 70 life insurance
  • Term 100 life insurance
  • Pick a Term (10 – 30 years)