SSQ’s Universal Life Insurance – Part 1

Discover our universal life insurance plan, which combines life insurance coverage with tax-deferred savings, for customized security that adapts to your changing needs.

Getting to Know Universal Life Insurance

It’s Straightforward.

You will get both life insurance and tax-deferred savings from the same insurance package. An excellent and straightforward method for assisting you in planning ahead.

What is the Process?

Health insurance and tax-sheltered investments are the two primary elements of universal life insurance.

The rates you pay for policies are paid into savings funds that you like.

Your premiums and any monthly fees are paid out of a percentage of your savings funds.

Your deposits are made up of the remaining sum. Based on the results of the investment accounts you’ve selected, you will grow your savings.

Is this the best coverage for you?

Universal life insurance allows you to customize your policies to meet your present and potential desires by providing:

    • Life insurance coverage to safeguard your financial stability.
    • A quick and inexpensive way to grow your savings while avoiding taxes.
    • The ability to adjust the characteristics of your coverage as your preferences change.
    • If necessary, access to any accrued assets.
    • A comprehensive solution for your children that has an insurability advantage as well as health insurance and serious disease benefits.

Have questions about SSQ’s Universal Life Insurance, please contact Mike or Amanda from Platinum Mutual Ltd., at (416) 315 8569 and they would be happy to show you how easy it is to apply. Call today!

Mike Benezra, Insurance Advisor
Phone: Call me at (416)-315-8569

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